What You Need To Know About The Robotic Surgery?

Medical science is increasingly turning to robotic surgery as a means to aid patients with severe ailments. It’s a commendable change, and patients are starting to have faith that their surgeries are going well. The goal of robotic surgery (robotic surgery, which is the term in Thai)., a subset of minimally invasive surgery, is to insert tiny surgical tools into a patient’s body through a succession of small incisions. Compared to open surgery, robotic surgery has many advantages patients can enjoy. Here are some details about the robotic surgery.

What Is Robotic Surgery?

Compared to more traditional methods, robotic surgery (sometimes called robot-assisted surgery) gives surgeons greater leeway, accuracy, and control over complicated procedures. The term “minimally invasive surgery” is most often used to describe robotic surgeries. Some more conventional open surgical procedures also make use of it occasionally. A camera arm and mechanical arms with surgical tools attached are the most common components of a clinical robotic surgical system. Here are the details of the technology:

  • Surgical arms with tiny tools with wrists at the tip.
  • A specialised camera that provides a magnified, three-dimensional view of the operating field.
  • The operator operates the camera and other surgical instruments from a centralised console.

How Does The Robotic Surgical System Work?

The robotic surgeon uses a high-definition, three-dimensional camera and miniature instruments inserted through small incisions in the patient’s skin to perform the procedure. Skin incisions are not always necessary, though. The surgeon then executes the process by controlling the various instruments from a nearby console.

The surgeon operates the robotic surgical tools with the help of master controls. The instruments accurately replicate the surgeon’s movements within the patient’s body. The entire process is under the surgeon’s command, and the surgical system only moves in response to their commands.

What Are The Main Advantages Of Robotic Surgery?

Selected patients may experience shorter recovery periods, less surgical trauma, and less scarring after robotic surgery because of the small incisions used. Here are a few of the many advantages that people experience after undergoing robotic surgery:

¾ By utilising two high-definition cameras, the system gives the surgeon an enlarged view of the surgical site, enhancing the image quality by forty per cent compared to older, less advanced methods. It also combines highly accurate depth perception.

¾ An extra arm is required when using a retractor or other surgical tool. It expands the surgeon’s range of motion.

¾ As the surgeon watches the operation unfold, they receive an immediate image reference that shows diagnostic snapshots on the monitor. These might include ultrasound images, CT scans of the area taken before surgery, and more.


With robotic surgery, patients can get high-tech treatments with minimal recovery time. Robotic surgery involves making tiny incisions and is reserved for highly skilled surgeons. Robotic surgery has immense potential in treating many medical conditions, including those involving the heart, digestive system, bladder, prostate, and many more.